Deduplicating documents in Elasticsearch


In this blog post we cover how to detect and remove duplicate documents from Elasticsearch by using either Logstash or alternatively by using custom code written in Python.

Example document structure

For the purposes of this blog post, we assume that the documents in the Elasticsearch cluster have the following structure. This corresponds to a dataset that contains documents representing stock market trades.

      "_index": "stocks",
      "_type": "doc",
      "_id": "6fo3tmMB_ieLOlkwYclP",
      "_version": 1,
      "found": true,
      "_source": {
        "CAC": 1854.6,
        "host": "Alexanders-MBP",
        "SMI": 2061.7,
        "@timestamp": "2017-01-09T02:30:00.000Z",
        "FTSE": 2827.5,
        "DAX": 1527.06,
        "time": "1483929000",
        "message": "1483929000,1527.06,2061.7,1854.6,2827.5\r",
        "@version": "1"

Given this example document structure, for the purposes of this blog we arbitrarily assume that if multiple documents have the same values for the [“CAC”, “FTSE”, “SMI”] fields that they are duplicates of each other.

Using logstash for deduplicating Elasticsearch documents

Logstash may be used for detecting and removing duplicate documents from an Elasticsearch index. This process is described in this blogpost.

In the example below I have written a simple Logstash configuration that reads documents from an index on an Elasticsearch cluster, then uses the fingerprint filter to compute a unique _id value for each document based on a hash of the [“CAC”, “FTSE”, “SMI”] fields, and finally writes each document back to a new index on that same Elasticsearch cluster such that duplicate documents will be written the the same _id and therefore eliminated.

Additionally, with minor modifications, the same Logstash filter could also be applied to future documents written into the newly created index in order to ensure that duplicates are removed in near real-time. This could be accomplished by changing the input section in the example below to accept documents from your real-time input source rather than pulling documents from an existing index.

Be aware that using custom _id values (i.e. an _id that is not generated by Elasticsearch) will have some impact on the write performance of your index operations. 

Also, it is worth noting that depending on the hash algorithm used, this approach may theoretically result in a non-zero number of hash collisions for the _id value, which could theoretically result in two non-identical documents being mapped to the same _id. For most practical cases, the probability of a has collision is likely very low.

A simple Logstash configuration to de-duplicate an existing index using the fingerprint filter is given below.

input {
  # Read all documents from Elasticsearch 
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "localhost"
    index => "stocks"
    query => '{ "sort": [ "_doc" ] }'

filter {
    fingerprint {
        key => "1234ABCD"
        method => "SHA256"
        source => ["CAC", "FTSE", "SMI"]
        target => "[@metadata][generated_id]"
        concatenate_sources => true

output {
    stdout { codec => dots }
    elasticsearch {
        index => "stocks_after_fingerprint"
        document_id => "%{[@metadata][generated_id]}"

A custom Python script for deduplicating Elasticsearch documents

A memory-efficient approach

If Logstash is not used, then deduplication may be efficiently accomplished with a custom python script. For this approach, we compute the hash of the [“CAC”, “FTSE”, “SMI”] fields that we have defined to uniquely identify a document. We then use this hash as a key in a python dictionary, where the associated value of each dictionary entry will be an array of the _ids of the documents that map to the same hash.

If more than one document has the same hash, then the duplicate documents that map to the same hash can be deleted.  Alternatively, if you are concerned about the possibility of hash collisions, then the contents of documents that map to the same hash can be examined to see if the documents are really identical, and if so, then duplicates can be eliminated.

Detection algorithm analysis

For a 50GB index, if we assume that the index contains 0.4 kB documents, then there would be 125 million documents in the index. In this case the amount memory required for storing the deduplication data structures in memory when using a 128-bit md5 hash would be on the order of 128 bits x 125 Million = 2GB of memory, plus the 160 bit _ids will require another 160 bits x 125 Million = 2.5 GB of of memory. This algorithm will therefore require on the order of 4.5GB RAM to keep all relevant data structures in memory. This memory footprint can be dramatically reduced if the approach discussed in the following section can be applied.

Potential enhancement to the algorithm to reduce memory usage, as well as to continuously remove new duplicate documents

If you are storing time-series data, and you know that duplicate documents will only occur within some small amount of time of each other, then you may be able to improve this algorithm’s memory footprint by repeatedly executing the algorithm on a subset of the documents in the index, with each subset corresponding to a different time window. For example, if you have a years worth of data then you could use range queries on your datetime field (inside a filter context  for best performance) to step through your data set one week at a time. This would require that the algorithm is executed 52 times (once for each week) — and in this case, this approach would reduce the worst-case memory footprint by a factor of 52.

In the above example, you may be concerned about not detecting duplicate documents that span between weeks. Lets assume that you know that duplicate documents cannot occur more than 2 hours apart. Then you would need to ensure that each execution of the algorithm includes documents that overlap by 2 hours with the last set of documents analyzed by the previous execution of the algorithm. For the weekly example, you would therefore need to query 170 hours (1 week + 2 hours) worth of time-series documents to ensure that no duplicates are missed.

If you wish to periodically clear out duplicate documents from your indices on an on-going basis, you can execute this algorithm on recently received documents. The same logic applies as above — ensure that recently received documents are included in the analysis along with enough of an overlap with slightly older documents to ensure that duplicates are not inadvertently missed.

Python code to detect duplicate documents

The following code demonstrates how documents can can be efficiently evaluated to see if they are identical, and then eliminated if desired. However, in order to prevent accidental deletion of documents, in this example we do not actually execute a delete operation. Such functionality would be straightforward to include.

The code to deduplicate documents from Elasticsearch can also be found on github.


# A description and analysis of this code can be found at 

import hashlib
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch, helpers

ES_HOST = 'localhost:9200'
ES_USER = 'elastic'
ES_PASSWORD = 'elastic'

es = Elasticsearch([ES_HOST], http_auth=(ES_USER, ES_PASSWORD))
dict_of_duplicate_docs = {}

# The following line defines the fields that will be
# used to determine if a document is a duplicate
keys_to_include_in_hash = ["CAC", "FTSE", "SMI"]

# Process documents returned by the current search/scroll
def populate_dict_of_duplicate_docs(hit):

    combined_key = ""
    for mykey in keys_to_include_in_hash:
        combined_key += str(hit['_source'][mykey])

    _id = hit["_id"]

    hashval = hashlib.md5(combined_key.encode('utf-8')).digest()

    # If the hashval is new, then we will create a new key
    # in the dict_of_duplicate_docs, which will be
    # assigned a value of an empty array.
    # We then immediately push the _id onto the array.
    # If hashval already exists, then
    # we will just push the new _id onto the existing array
    dict_of_duplicate_docs.setdefault(hashval, []).append(_id)

# Loop over all documents in the index, and populate the
# dict_of_duplicate_docs data structure.
def scroll_over_all_docs():
    for hit in helpers.scan(es, index='stocks'):

def loop_over_hashes_and_remove_duplicates():
    # Search through the hash of doc values to see if any
    # duplicate hashes have been found
    for hashval, array_of_ids in dict_of_duplicate_docs.items():
      if len(array_of_ids) > 1:
        print("********** Duplicate docs hash=%s **********" % hashval)
        # Get the documents that have mapped to the current hasval
        matching_docs = es.mget(index="stocks", doc_type="doc", body={"ids": array_of_ids})
        for doc in matching_docs['docs']:
            # In order to remove the possibility of hash collisions,
            # write code here to check all fields in the docs to
            # see if they are truly identical - if so, then execute a
            # DELETE operation on all except one.
            # In this example, we just print the docs.
            print("doc=%s\n" % doc)

def main():


6 thoughts on “Deduplicating documents in Elasticsearch”

  1. Nice article!

    You could try using a different hash (for instance a Bloom filter) for optimizing the store of the repeated ids, depending on the implementation you could save a lot of memory, which would give you a chance increasing the time window that you use for the comparison (if it’s needed).


    1. True, the hash function used in the python example could be optimised if necessary. A more compact hash function with a higher probability of hash collisions would be acceptable, given that we can examine the original documents before deleting them to mitigate the impact of any such collisions.


  2. Just a heads up, the LogStash config in this post doesn’t *quite* work, you need to add;

    concatenate_sources => “true”

    to your filter config, if you don’t the fingerprint is calculated individually on each of the fields in “sources” and the result which gets used is the hash of the last field in the list.

    I unfortunately discovered this the hard way after about 6 days of data processing…


  3. Which API method is right for deleting the collected _ids? When looping over single ones and calling delete() this results in about 10 to 20 deleted per second which is not viable. I guess I can create a query with an array that is limited to 1024 entries. Am I right?
    My problem is that documents that should exist only once are written by Logstash more than 80,000 (descendingly sorted the most frequent one) times to 3000 (the 20th) times. Still the 5000th is written about three times.
    I am very grateful for any answer given.


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