Trade-offs to consider when storing binary data in MongoDB

In this blog post we discuss several methods for storing binary data in MongoDB, and the trade-offs associated with each method.


When using MongoDB there are several approaches that make it easy to store and retrieve binary data, but it is not always clear which approach is the most appropriate for a given application. Therefore, in this blog post I discuss several methods for storing binary data when using MongoDB and the trade-offs associated with each method. Many of the trade-offs discussed here would likely apply to most other databases as well.


In this blog post, I cover the following topics:

  • Definition of binary data
  • Methods for storing binary data with MongoDB
  • General trade-offs to consider when storing binary data in MongoDB
  • Considerations for embedding binary data inside individual MongoDB documents (where each binary object fits completely within the 16MB per-document size limit)
  • Considerations for storing binary data in MongoDB with GridFS (spreading the binary data across multiple MongoDB documents)
  • Considerations for storing binary data outside of MongoDB
  • Mitigating some of the drawbacks of storing binary data in MongoDB
  • Conclusion

Definition of binary data

While everything in a computer is technically stored as binary data, in the context of this posting when I refer to Binary Data I am referring to unstructured BLOB data such as PDF documents or Jpeg images. This is in contrast to structured data such as text or integers.

Methods for storing binary data with MongoDB

Embed binary data in MongoDB documents using the BSON BinData type

MongoDB enforces a limit of 16MB per document, and so if binary data plus other fields in a document are guaranteed to be less than 16MB, then binary data can be embedded into documents by using the BinData BSON type. For more information using the BinData type, see the documentation for the appropriate driver.

Store binary data in MongoDB using GridFS

GridFS is a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON document size limit of 16MB. Instead of storing a file in a single document, GridFS divides the file into chunks, and stores each chunk as a separate document. GridFS uses two collections to store files, where one collection stores the file chunks, and the other stores file metadata as well as optional application-specific fields.

An excellent two-part blog post (part 1 and part 2) gives a good overview of how GridFS works, and examples of when GridFS would be an appropriate storage choice.

Store binary data in an external system, and use MongoDB to store the location of the binary data

Data may be stored outside of the database, for example in a file system. The document in the database could then contain all the required information to know where to look for the associated binary data (a key, a file name, etc.), and it could also store metadata associated with the binary data.

General trade-offs to consider when storing binary data in MongoDB

Benefits of storing binary data in MongoDB

  • MongoDB provides high availability and replication of data.
  • A single system for all types of data results in a simpler application architecture.
  • When using geographically distributed replica sets, MongoDB will automatically distribute data to geographically distinct data centres.
  • Storing data in the database takes advantage of MongoDB authentication and security mechanisms.

Drawbacks of storing binary data in MongoDB

  • In a replica set deployment, data that is stored in the database will be replicated  to multiple servers, which uses more storage space and bandwidth than a single copy of the data would require.
  • If the binary data is large, then loading the binary data into memory may cause frequently accessed text (structured data) documents to be pushed out of memory, or more generally, the working set might not fit into RAM. This can negatively impact the performance of the database.
  • If binary data is stored in the database, then most backup methods will back up the binary data at the same frequency as all of the other data in the database. However, if binary data rarely changes then it might be desirable to back it up at a lower frequency than the rest of the data.
  • Storing binary data in the database will make the database larger than it would otherwise be, and if a sharded environment is deployed, this may cause balancing between shards to take more time and to be more resource intensive.
  • Backups of a database containing binary data will require more resources and storage than backups of a database without binary data.
  • Binary data is likely already compressed, and therefore will not gain much benefit from WiredTiger’s compression algorithms.

Considerations for embedding binary data in MongoDB documents

MongoDB has a limit of 16MB per document. If the binary data falls within this limit, then it may be possible to embed it directly inside a document.

Benefits of embedding binary data in MongoDB documents

  • All of the benefits listed in the General trade-offs section.
  • If binary data that is stored in a document is always used at the same time as the other fields in that document, then all relevant information can be retrieved from the database in a single call, which should provide good performance.
  • By embedding binary data in a document, it is guaranteed that the binary data along with the rest of the document is written atomically.
  • It is simple to embed binary data into documents.

Drawbacks of embedding binary data in MongoDB documents

  • All of the drawbacks listed in the General trade-offs section.
  • There is a limit of 16MB per document. Embedding large binary objects in documents may risk the documents growing beyond this size limit.
  • If the structured metadata in a document is frequently accessed, but the associated embedded binary data is rarely required, then the binary data will be loaded into memory much more often than it is really needed. This is because of the fact that in order to read the structured metadata, the entire document including the embedded binary data is loaded into RAM. This will needlessly waste valuable memory resources and may cause the working set to be pushed out of RAM. This may result in increased disk IO as well as a slower database response time. This drawback can be addressed by separating the binary and associated metadata as I discuss later in this document.

Considerations for storing binary data in MongoDB with GridFS

If the binary data is bigger than 16MB, then it cannot be stored in a single document. In this case GridFS can be used to get around this limitation.

Benefits of storing binary data in GridFS

  • All of the benefits listed in the General trade-offs section.
  • If the binary data is large and/or arbitrary in size, then GridFS may be used to overcome the 16MB limit.
  • GridFS doesn’t have the limitations of some filesystems, like number of documents per directory, or file naming rules.
  • GridFS can be used to recall sections of large files without reading the entire file into memory.
  • GridFS can efficiently stream binary data by loading only a portion of a given binary file into memory at any point in time.

Drawbacks of storing binary data in GridFS

  • All of the drawbacks listed in the General trade-offs section.
  • Versus embedding binary data directly into documents, GridFS will have some additional overhead for splitting, tracking, and stitching together the binary data.
  • Binary data in GridFS is immutable.

Considerations for storing binary data outside of MongoDB

In some cases it may be preferable to not store binary data inside MongoDB at all, and instead to store it in an external system.

Benefits of storing binary data outside of MongoDB

  • Storing data outside of MongoDB may reduce storage costs by eliminating MongoDB’s replication of data.
  • Binary data outside of MongoDB can be backed up at a different frequency than the database.
  • If binary data is stored in a separate system, then binary data will not be loaded into the same RAM as the database. This removes the risk of binary data pushing the working set out of RAM, and ensures that performance will not be negatively impacted.

Drawbacks of storing binary data outside of MongoDB

  • Adding an additional system for the storage of binary data will add significant operational overhead and system complexity versus using MongoDB for this purpose.
  • Alternative binary data storage systems will not take advantage of MongoDB’s high availability and replication of data.
  • Binary data will not be automatically replicated to geographically distinct data centres.
  • Binary data will not be written atomically with respect to its associated document.
  • Alternative binary data storage systems will not use MongoDB’s authentication and security mechanisms.

Mitigating some of the drawbacks of storing binary data in MongoDB

Separating metadata and embedded binary data into different collections

Instead of embedding binary data and metadata together, it may make sense for binary data to be stored in a collection that is separate from the metadata. This would be useful if metadata is accessed frequently but the associated binary data is infrequently required.

With this approach, instead of embedding the binary data in the metadata collection, the metadata collection would instead contain pointers to the relevant document in a separate binary data collection, and the desired binary data documents would be loaded on-demand. This would allow the documents from the metadata collection to be frequently accessed without wasting memory for the rarely used binary data.

Separating metadata and binary data into different MongoDB deployments

With this approach as in the previous approach, metadata and binary data are separated into two collections, but additionally these collections are stored on separate MongoDB deployments.

This would allow the binary data deployment to be scaled differently than the metadata deployment. Another benefit of this separation would be that the binary data can be backed up with a different frequency than the metadata.

Note that if metadata is separated into a separate deployment from the associated binary data then special care will have to be taken to ensure the consistency of backups.


There are several trade-offs to consider when deciding on the best approach for an application to store and retrieve binary data. In this blog post I have discussed several advantages and disadvantages of the most common approaches for storing binary data when working with MongoDB, as well as some techniques for minimising any drawbacks.

How to generate unique identifiers for use with MongoDB

Various techniques for generating custom unique identifiers in MongoDB


This blog article has been re-published with my permission by MongoDB at


By default, MongoDB generates a unique ObjectID identifier that is assigned to the _id field in a new document before writing that document to the database. In many cases the default unique identifiers assigned by MongoDB will meet application requirements. However, in some cases an application may need to create custom unique identifiers, such as:

  • The application may require unique identifiers with a precise number of digits. For example, unique 12 digit identifiers might be required for bank account numbers.
  • Unique identifiers may need to be generated in a monotonically increasing and continuous sequential order.
  • Unique identifiers may need to be independent of a specific database vendor.

Due to the multi-threaded and distributed nature of modern applications, it is not always a straightforward task to generate unique identifiers that satisfy application requirements.


This posting covers the following topics:

  • How to guarantee identifier uniqueness at the database level
  • Use ObjectID as a unique identifier
  • Use a single counter document for generating unique identifiers
  • Use a single counter document that allocates batches of unique identifiers
  • Use multiple counter documents that allocate batches of unique identifiers
  • Randomly generate a unique identifier and retry if it is already assigned
  • Use a standard UUID algorithm for application-level unique identifier generation

How to guarantee identifier uniqueness at the database level

All of the approaches that we propose here generate identifiers that are globally unique for all practical purposes, however depending on the chosen approach there may be remote edge cases where the generated identifier may not be absolutely globally unique.

If the risk of a clash of unique identifiers is deemed to be sufficiently remote or the consequences of such a clash are minor, then one may consider writing to the database without additional uniqueness checking. This is a valid approach that is likely to be adopted by many applications.

However, if it is absolutely essential to enforce that the generated identifier is globally unique, code may be written defensively to guarantee that the database will never write the same unique identifier twice. This is relatively easy to implement on a non-sharded collection by specifying a unique index on a particular field, which prevents a duplicate value for that field from ever being written to the collection. Note that by default the _id field always obeys the unique index constraint.

If a write fails due to a collision on a field that has a unique index, then the application should catch this error and generate a new unique identifier and try to write the document to the database again.

If a collection is sharded, there are restrictions on the use of unique indexes. If the restrictions for using a unique index on a sharded collection cannot be satisfied, then a proxy collection may be used to guarantee uniqueness before writing data to the database.

Use ObjectID as a unique identifier


MongoDB database drivers by default generate an ObjectID identifier that is assigned to the _id field of each document. If a document arrives to the database without an _id value, then the database itself will assign an ObjectID to the _id field. In many cases the ObjectID may be used as a unique identifier in an application.

ObjectID is a 96-bit number which is composed as follows:

  • a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch (which will not run out of seconds until the year 2106)
  • a 3-byte machine identifier (usually derived from the MAC address),
  • a 2-byte process id, and
  • a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.


  • ObjectID is automatically generated by the database drivers or in some cases by the database, and will be assigned to the _id field of each document.
  • ObjectID can be considered globally unique for most practical purposes.
  • ObjectID encodes the timestamp of its creation time, which may be used for queries or to sort by creation time.
  • ObjectID is mostly monotonically increasing,
  • ObjectID is 96-bits which is less than some other UUID implementations, which will result in slightly less disk and RAM usage that these alternative solutions.


  • At 96 bits, the ObjectId is longer than some of the alternative solutions, which means that it may require slightly more disk space and RAM than these alternatives.
  • The ObjectID is generated by MongoDB drivers or by the database itself. Some businesses may be reluctant to link their application logic to an identifier that is generated by the database.
  • ObjectID can be considered globally unique for most practical purposes, but there are edge cases where it may not be truly globally unique.

Single counter document solution


The approach described in this section is generally not recommended due to the potential for the single counter document to become a bottleneck in the application.


A unique identifier may be required in a monotonically increasing and continuous sequential order, which is similar to the sequence functionality that is implemented by some RDBMSs.

This may be achieved by implementing a solution that is based on a centralised counter document that resides in a collection that we have called uniqueIdentifierCounter. This centralised counter document is the only document in the uniqueIdentifierCounter collection, and its COUNT field will track the current unique identifier value.

Each time a new unique identifier is needed, findAndModify will be used on the counter document to atomically increment the COUNT field and return the pre-increment (original) document that has a unique COUNT value. The COUNT value can then be used by the application as a unique identifier. For example the application could assign the COUNT value to the _id field of a document that will be written to a given collection.

Example implementation

A counter document for unique identifier generation could look as follows:

    "COUNT" : 0,
    "NOTES" : “Increment COUNT using findAndModify to ensure that the COUNT field will be incremented atomically with the fetch of this document",

And the unique identifier-generation document could be atomically requested and incremented as follows. Note that by default the document returned from findAndModify is the pre-modification document:

    update: {
        $inc: { COUNT: 1 },
    writeConcern: 'majority'


  • Easy to implement
  • Unique identifiers are generated in a continuous and monotonically increasing manner.


  • This approach will likely generate a serious bottleneck in the system, as there will be contention caused by many threads simultaneously accessing the single counter document.
  • Depending on replication lag and time to flush the counter document to disk, this technique will limit the speed of unique identifier generation. If we assume that it takes 25ms for the counter document to be persisted and replicated to the database then this method would only be able to generate 40 new unique identifiers per second. If the application is waiting for unique identifier values before new documents can be inserted into a given collection, then these inserts will have a maximum write speed of 40 documents per second. Without such a bottleneck, we would expect a well functioning database to be able to write tens of thousands of documents per second.

Single counter document with range allocation


This approach is similar to the previous approach, with the difference being that instead of incrementing the COUNT value by 1, we may wish to increment it by a larger number that will represent a batch of unique identifiers that will be allocated by the database to the application.

For example, if the application knows that it needs 1000 new unique identifiers, then the application would use findAndModify() to atomically get the current COUNT and increment the COUNT value by 1000. The document returned from the findAndModify command would contain the starting value for the batch of unique identifiers, and the application would loop over 1000 values from that starting point.

Note that with this approach an application may pass in whatever value it wishes for incrementing the COUNT value, and therefore this approach can be made to be flexible. For large batches this increment would be a large number, and for a single identifier this would be set to 1.

Example implementation

The following demonstrates the javascript shell commands that would atomically increment the COUNT by 1000 and return the previous (before the increment) counter document:

var seq_increment = 1000;
    update: {
        $inc: {COUNT: seq_increment },
    writeConcern: 'majority'


  • Relatively easy to implement.
  • Unique identifiers are generated by the database in a monotonically increasing manner, and will likely be used by the application in a mostly monotonically increasing manner.
  • This approach has the potential to dramatically reduce the number of requests and updates to the counter document, which may eliminate the bottleneck described in the previous approach.


  • There is potential for bottlenecks if the application requests small unique identifier ranges with each request.
  • The application must understand that the number received from the database is meant as a range of values.
  • Multiple threads requesting batches of unique identifiers at a similar moment in time could cause the allocated identifiers to be used by the application in an order that is not strictly monotonically increasing, as each thread takes time to work through its allocated batch
  • If the application misbehaves, then it could burn through a large number of unique identifiers without actually using them.

Multiple range allocator counter documents


This approach is similar to the previous approach, but instead of having a single counter document, we could have many counter documents stored in the uniqueIdentifierCounter collection.

For example, there may be 1000 counter documents (numbered 0 to 999) each responsible for allocating 1 billion unique numbers that are taken from a specific range that has been allocated to each counter. In this case, counter 499 would be responsible for allocating values from 499000000000 to 499999999999.

Note that this particular example results in unique numbers ranging from 0 to 999,999,999,999 which is a 12 digit number.

Example implementation

Below we show the format and initial values assigned to the counter documents in the uniqueIdentifierCounter collection:

/* The following would be the initial state of the 0th counter document, which is responsible for the range of unique identifiers from 0 to 999,999,999 */
    "MAX_VALUE": 999999999,
    "COUNT"  : 0,
    "NOTES" : "Increment COUNT using findAndModify to ensure that the COUNT field will be incremented atomically with the fetch of this document",
/* The following would be the initial state of 499th counter document, which is responsible for the range of unique identifiers from 499,000,000,000 to 499,999,999,999 */
    "_id"  : "COUNTER DOCUMENT NUMBER 499"),
    "MAX_VALUE": 499999999999,
    "COUNT"  : 499000000000,
    "NOTES" : "Increment COUNT using findAndModify to ensure that the COUNT field will be incremented atomically with the fetch of this document",
/* Etc… */

With this approach, each time the application needs a new unique number or a range of unique numbers, the application would randomly generate a number between 0 and 999 which it would use to perform a query against the _id attribute in the uniqueIdentifierCounter collection. This would select a particular counter document from which to retrieve the unique identifier(s).

This is demonstrated in the following example, in which we randomly select one of the counter documents, and request a batch of 100 unique numbers from that counter:

var which_counter_to_query = Math.floor((Math.random()*1000));
var seq_increment = 100;
db.Unique Identifier_counter.findAndModify({
    query: { _id:  "COUNTER DOCUMENT NUMBER " + which_counter_to_query},
    update: {
        $inc: {COUNT: seq_increment },
    writeConcern: 'majority'


  • Compared to the previous approaches, this approach will reduce contention by having relatively fewer threads simultaneously accessing each counter document.


  • This is more complicated than the previous implementations.
  • There is still the potential for bottlenecks if this approach is used for generating small batches and has a small number of counter documents.
  • The number of counter documents must be predefined and the range of unique identifiers assigned to each counter document needs to be allocated in advance.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the pre-defined range that is assigned to each counter document does not roll-over.

Randomly choose a unique identifier in the application and retry if it is already used


This approach relies on the fact that if a unique index is defined in a collection, that any document written to that collection must have a unique value assigned to that field in order for it to be successfully written. Therefore, we can randomly generate a unique identifier number in the application, assign it to the unique field in a document, and try to write that document to the collection. If the write succeeds, then we know that the value that we assigned to it is unique. If the write fails, then the application must catch the failure and randomly generate a new unique identifier which can then be used to write the document to the collection. If the number of collisions is low, then this can be an efficient way to write documents to the database with each document having a guaranteed unique identifier.

Example implementation

If we know that we will have a maximum of one billion records in our database, in order to have a low probability of selecting an identifier that has already been assigned (aka a collision), we could randomly choose a number between 0 and 999,999,999,999 (from zero to one trillion minus one). For this example, the range that we are using to select the random number is 1000 times bigger than the number of documents that we expect to write to this collection, which results in a worst case expected 0.1% chance of a collision.

We would then assign the randomly generated number to a field that has a unique index, and write that document to the database. If the write succeeds, then we know that the identifier is unique. If the write fails, then the application must randomly choose another identifier and try again until the write succeeds. Note that there are some restrictions on the use of unique indexes when used in sharded clusters. If the restrictions for using a unique index on a sharded collection cannot be satisfied, then a proxy collection may be used to help generate unique indexes.


  • This approach is not difficult to implement.


  • Some businesses do not like the random nature of this approach to unique identifier generation.
  • Testing unique identifier collisions may be tricky since it relies on random numbers.
  • If the random number generator is not good then there may be a potential for multiple collisions and multiple retries required before successfully writing a document.

Generate unique identifiers in the application


RFC 4122 defines a standard for generating 128-bit UUIDs. The RFC specifies different algorithms for generating UUIDs, which are called UUID versions.

Standard libraries exist  that will generate 128-bit UUIDs at the application level. The BSON specification defines UUID as a valid subtype, and can be found at:


  • This approach effectively addresses UUID-related bottlenecks.
  • UUIDs are fully generated in application code, which saves a round-trip to the database that is required with some of the alternative approaches.
  • This is a standard implementation that relies on existing libraries
  • This does not use an internally generated database identifier for business functions.
  • For all practical purposes, UUIDs generated with this approach are globally unique.
  • If RFC 4122 version 1 or version 2 is used and is properly implemented, then the generated UUIDs are guaranteed to be globally unique.


  • These unique identifiers are 128-bits, which is longer than some alternative approaches. This results in slightly larger documents, and therefore uses slightly more disk space and memory.
  • For RFC 4122 algorithm versions other than version 1 and version 2, it is theoretically possible to generate a UUID that is not absolutely globally unique. However, for all practical purposes the resulting UUIDs are globally unique. More information can be found in the Wikipedia article about UUID generation..

How to manually perform a point in time restore in MongoDB

Restoring data following human or application error



While MongoDB provides high-availability and data durability through automatic replication of data to multiple servers, this replication does not protect the database against human or application errors. For example, if an administrator drops a database, the drop operation will be replicated across the MongoDB deployment, and data will be deleted. If such an event occurs through human or application error, then data will have to be retrieved from backups.

Recommended background

It is recommended that you review and understand the standard MongoDB Backup Methods before attempting a manual point-in-time backup and restore.


In this blog, we describe a procedure that allows you to manually perform a point-in-time restore of MongoDB data. Point-in-time restore refers to the ability to restore the database to a precise moment in time. The instructions presented here require that you have regular backups of your data, and that your data is stored in a replica set.

*** WARNING *** : This manual point-in-time backup and restore procedure should not be used on sharded clusters.   

Alternatives to manual point-in-time restores

While the purpose of this blog is to demonstrate a manual point-in-time restore procedure, the reader should be aware that MongoDB has software available that automates backups and provides point-in-time restores, and that is designed to work with  any kind of database configuration, including sharded clusters.

For more information about MongoDB’s recommended solutions, read about Ops ManagerCloud Manager, and  Atlas.

Note that these recommended solutions will likely not be not help you automate the point-in-time restore procedure unless the same tool was used for creating the original backups.


In order to perform a manual point-in-time restore, you need two things:

  1. You need a backup of the database – this can be either from a mongodump or from a file system copy.
  2. You need access to an oplog that contains data that goes back to when the backup was made. For example if you made a backup 24 hours ago, then you need an oplog that goes back at least 24 hours. This oplog will be extracted from one of the replica set members in the live database.

How does it work

A manual point-in-time restore is achieved by copying a database backup to a spare server and starting the database on that spare server with the backup data. We then “roll forward” the data on the spare server to the desired point-in-time, which is achieved by dumping the oplog from the live/production database, copying the oplog over to the spare server, and then applying the oplog onto the database that we are now running on the spare server.

After we have verified that the restored data is correct, we then copy it from our spare server over to our production servers.

Example scenario

A concrete example of how a point-in-time restore can be performed is as follows. For this example we assume the following.

  1. You have a backup mongodump or snapshot of the database from 24 hours ago
  2. You have the oplog on your live/production database that goes back at least 24 hours (ie. an oplog window of at least 24 hours). The oplog is available on each node in the replica set, and can be dumped out from any one of the replica set members. The oplog contains a record of all database events that have recently occurred. 
  3. You realize that one hour ago, someone did something really bad (eg. dropped a collection or dropped a database)

For this scenario, the following steps will result in a point-in-time restore:

  1. Restore or copy the backup from 24 hours ago onto a spare server.  This server will be used for recreating the database state as it was just before the data loss occurred.
  2. Dump out the oplog from the live/production replica set where the error occurred. The oplog contains a log of every operation that has recently occurred on the live/production database.
  3. Copy the oplog over to the spare server.
  4. Replay 23 hours of the oplog onto the backup to “roll it forward” to just before the undesirable incident that happened (in this example, one hour ago). 
  5. Verify the database on the spare server, and if it looks good, copy it over to the production servers.

Restoration instructions:

  1. On one of the members of your live replica set, dump the oplog collection using mongodump:
    mongodump ­-d local -c ­-o oplogDumpDir/
  2. Rename and move the dump of the oplog from the live deployment:
    mkdir oplogRecoveryDir
    mv oplogDumpDir/local/ oplogRecoveryDir/oplog.bson
  3. Connect to the server using the mongo shell, find the bad operation in the oplog and make a note of the time_t:ordinal (timestamp) values. Alternatively, use bsondump to manually inspect the BSON dump of the oplog.
    use local
  4. Start a new standalone mongod instance to rebuild the server and verify the data before applying it to production. If you use mongorestore to restore a backup, then use step a, and if you are restoring from a data file backup see step b:
    • (a) Start a new mongod process, and restore the last known good backup using mongorestore. For this example the data is located in a directory called “backupDumpDir”. Note that if the original mongodump was done on a database that was being actively written during the dump, then it should have been made with the –oplog option. In this case, the mongorestore should be done with the –oplogReplay option to ensure that the backup data is restored in a consistent state.
      mongod --­­dbpath /some/new/directory --­­port PORT
      mongorestore --port PORT [--oplogReplay] backup­DumpDir/
    • (b) Or if you have a file system backup, then you can copy the data from your backup to the dbpath directory, and start mongod directly as follows:
      mongod --­­dbpath /path/to/backupDataDir --­­port PORT
  5. Replay the oplog into the new node using mongorestore, specifying the values for time_t and ordinal as found above. This command will replay the oplog up to the point just before the bad operation occurred. 
    mongorestore --­­port --­­oplogReplay --­­oplogLimit time_t:ordinal oplogRecoveryDir/
  6. Check that all documents are now back in the collection and data has been correctly restored. If this is successful take a server dump by either of the following steps.
    • (a) Using mongodump:
      mongodump ­­--port PORT rebuildDumpDir/
    • (b) Or by taking a file system snapshot (eg. LVM Snapshot), or by stopping writes to the mongod process and copying the database data files.
  7. Depending on the procedure used in the previous steps, restore the dump or the data files into the live/production replica set by either:

Related issues

If you encounter issues restoring data with the above procedure, you should view the following MongoDB Jira tickets to see if they are related: