Using Logstash to drive filtered data from a single source into multiple output destinations


In this blog post we demonstrate how Logstash can be used to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Create multiple copies of an input stream.
  2. Filter each unique copy of the input stream to only contain desired fields.
  3. Drive the modified copies of the input stream into different output destinations.

Note that in this blog post, we do not make use of pipeline-to-pipeline communication (beta) which could also likely achieve much of the functionality described here.

Example input file

As an input to Logstash, we use a CSV file that contains stock market trades. A few example CSV stock market trades are given below. 


The comma separated values represent  “time”, “DAX”, “SMI”, “CAC”, “FTSE” . You may wish to copy and paste the above lines into a CSV file called stocks.csv in order to execute the example logstash pipeline. 

Example Logstash pipeline

Below is a logstash pipeline that should be stored in a file called ‘clones.conf’. This pipeline does the following:

  1. Reads stock market trades as CSV-formatted input from a CSV file. Note that you should modify ‘clones.conf’ to use the correct path to your ‘stocks.csv’ file.
  2. Maps each row of the CSV input to a JSON document, where the CSV columns map to JSON fields.
  3. Converts the time field to Unix format.
  4. Uses the clone filter plugin to create two copies of each document. The clone filter will add a new ‘type’ field to each copy that corresponds to the names given in the clones array. (Note that the original version of each document will still exist in addition to the copies, but will not have a ‘type’ field added to it).
  5. For each copy:
    1. Adds metadata to each document corresponding to the ‘type’ that was added by the clone function. This allows us to later remove the ‘type’ field, while retaining the information required for routing different copies to different outputs.
    2. Uses the prune filter plugin to remove all fields except those which are whitelisted for the specific output.
  6. Removes the ‘type’ field that the clone function inserted into the documents. This is not strictly necessary, but eliminates the ‘type’ data and prevents it from being written to Elasticsearch.
  7. Writes the resulting documents to different outputs, depending on the value defined in the metadata field that we added in step 5.
input {
  file {
    path => "${HOME}/stocks.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"

    # The following line will ensure re-reading of input 
    # each time logstash executes.
    sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

filter {
   csv {
    columns => ["time","DAX","SMI","CAC","FTSE"]
    separator => ","
    convert => { 'DAX' => 'float'
    'SMI' => 'float'
    'CAC' => 'float'
    'FTSE' => 'float'}
  date {
    match => ['time', 'UNIX']

  # The following line will create 2 additional 
  # copies of each document (i.e. including the 
  # original, 3 in total). 
  # Each copy will have a "type" field added 
  # corresponding to the name given in the array.
  clone {
    clones => ['copy_only_SMI', 'copy_only_FTSE']

  if [type] == 'copy_only_SMI' {
    mutate { 
      add_field => { "[@metadata][type]" => "copy_only_SMI" } 
    # Remove everything except "SMI"
    prune {
       whitelist_names => [ "SMI"]

  else if [type] == 'copy_only_FTSE' {
    mutate { 
      add_field => { "[@metadata][type]" => "copy_only_FTSE" } 
    prune {
       whitelist_names => [ "FTSE"]

  # Remove 'type' which was added in the clone
  mutate {
    remove_field => ['type']

output {
  stdout { codec =>  "rubydebug" }

  if [@metadata][type] == 'copy_only_SMI' {
    elasticsearch {
      index => "smi_data"
  else if [@metadata][type] == 'copy_only_FTSE' {
    elasticsearch {
      index => "ftse_data"
  else {
    elasticsearch {
      index => "stocks_original"

Testing the logstash pipeline

To test this pipeline with the example CSV data, you could execute something similar to the following command, modifying it to ensure that you use paths that are correct for your system. Note that specifying ‘config.reload.automatic’ is optional, but allows us to automatically reload ‘clones.conf’ without restarting Logstash. Remember that ‘clones.conf’ that is used below is the file that contains the pipeline described in the previous section.

./logstash -f ./clones.conf --config.reload.automatic

Once logstash has read the stocks.csv file, we can check the various outputs that have been written. We have written three indexes called ‘smi_data’, ‘ftse_data’, and ‘stocks_original’.

Check the SMI index

GET /smi_data/_search

Should display documents with the following structure. Notice that only “SMI” data appears in the ‘smi_data’ index.

        "_index": "smi_data",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "_QRskWUBsYalOV9y9hGJ",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "SMI": 1688.5

Check the FTSE index

GET /ftse_data/_search

Should display documents with the following structure. Notice that only “FTSE” field appears in documents in the ‘ftse_data’ index.

        "_index": "ftse_data",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "AgRskWUBsYalOV9y9hL0",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "FTSE": 2448.2

Check the original documents index

GET /stocks_originals/_search

Should display documents with the following structure. Notice that the entire original version of the documents appears in the ‘stocks_original’ index.

        "_index": "stocks_original",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "-QRskWUBsYalOV9y9hFo",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "host": "Alexanders-MBP",
          "@timestamp": "2017-01-01T00:30:00.000Z",
          "SMI": 1678.1,
          "@version": "1",
          "message": "1483230600,1628.75,1678.1,1772.8,2443.6",
          "CAC": 1772.8,
          "DAX": 1628.75,
          "time": "1483230600",
          "path": "/Users/arm/Documents/ES6.3/datasets/stocks_for_clones.csv",
          "FTSE": 2443.6


In this blog post, we have demonstrated how to use Logstash to create multiple copies of an input stream, to then modify documents in each stream as required for different outputs, and to then drive the different streams into different outputs.

Using Logstash prune capabilities to whitelist sub-documents


Logstash’s prune filter plugin can make use of whitelists to ensure that only specific desired fields are output from Logstash, and that all other fields are dropped. In this blog post we demonstrate the use of Logstash to whitelist desired fields and desired sub-documents before indexing into Elasticsearch.

Example input file

As an input to Logstash, we use a CSV file that contains stock market trades. A few example CSV stock market trades are given below. 


The comma separated values represent  “time”, “DAX”, “SMI”, “CAC”, “FTSE” . You may wish to copy and paste the above lines into a CSV file called stocks.csv in order to execute the example command line given later in this blogpost. 

Example Logstash pipeline

Below is a Logstash pipeline which can be stored in a file called ‘stocks.conf’, that does the following:

  1. Reads stock market trades as CSV-formatted input from stdin.
  2. Maps each row of the CSV input to a JSON document, where the CSV columns map to JSON fields.
  3. Converts the time field to Unix format.
  4. Moves DAX and CAC fields into a nested structure called “my_nest”.
  5. Whitelists the “my_nest” field (which contains a sub-document) and the “SMI” field so that all other (non-whitelisted) fields will be removed.
  6. Writes the resulting documents to an Elasticsearch index called “stocks_whitelist_test”.
# For this simple example, pipe in data from stdin. 
input {
    stdin {}

filter {
    csv {
        columns => ["time","DAX","SMI","CAC","FTSE"]
        separator => ","
        convert => { 'DAX' => 'float'
        'SMI' => 'float'
        'CAC' => 'float'
        'FTSE' => 'float'}
    date {
        match => ['time', 'UNIX']
    mutate {
        # Move DAX and CAC into a sub-document 
        # called 'my_nest'
        rename => {
            "DAX" => "[my_nest][DAX]"
            "CAC" => "[my_nest][CAC]"
    # Remove everything except "SMI" and the 
    # "my_nest" sub-document 
    prune {
         whitelist_names => [ "SMI", "my_nest" ]

output {
    stdout { codec => dots }
    elasticsearch {
        index => "stocks_whitelist_test"

Testing the logstash pipeline

To test this pipeline with the example CSV data, you could execute something similar to the following command, modifying it to ensure that you use paths that are correct for your system:

cat ./stocks.csv | ./logstash -f ./stocks.conf

You can the check the data that you have stored in Elasticsearch by executing the following comand from Kibana’s dev console:

GET /stocks_whitelist_test/_search

Which should display documents with the following structure:

        "_index": "stocks_whitelist_test",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "KANygWUBsYalOV9yOKsD",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "my_nest": {
            "CAC": 1718,
            "DAX": 1606.51
          "SMI": 1678.6

Notice that only “my_nest” and “SMI” have been indexed as indicated by the contents of the document’s “_source”. Also note that the “FTSE” and “time” fields have been removed as they were not in the prune filter’s whitelist.


In this blog post, we have demonstrated how Logstash’s prune filter plugin can make use of whitelists to ensure that only specific desired fields are output from Logstash.